How Long Does It Take to Recover from Cataract Surgery?

When you’re preparing for cataract surgery, you may have questions about your recovery. While knowing that your vision quality will improve is part of that equation, it’s normal to wonder how long recovery takes and what to expect along the way. Additionally, you might want to know if there are signs that you should speak with your eye care provider after the procedure.  

If you want to make sure that you’re ready for your procedure, here’s a look at how long it takes to recover from cataract surgery and what may occur as you heal.  

How Long It Takes to Recover from Cataract Surgery  

In most cases, it takes around eight weeks to fully recover from cataract surgery, though the exact amount of time can vary. Additionally, the process occurs over time. As a result, you’ll notice changes as you progress toward full recovery.  

Usually, patients experience some blurriness after the procedure. As the eye starts to heal, vision begins clearing. Often, you can see initial improvements within the first few days after the surgery. As the days pass, you’ll continue to experience positive changes until your eyes are entirely healed.  

What to Expect as You Recover from Cataract Surgery  

Initially, after cataract surgery, blurry vision is common. Additionally, some itching or mild discomfort is normal for a few days after the procedure.

If you want to make sure that your recovery goes smoothly, follow all of your eye care provider’s instructions. That way, you are increasing your odds of healing quickly and correctly.  

When to Contact Your Eye Care Provider After Cataract Surgery  

As you recover from cataract surgery, you’ll usually see your eye care provider at specific intervals. Your first follow-up appointment is typically a day or two after the procedure. Then, there’s another appointment the next week and a third about a month after the surgery.  

Those appointments allow your eye care provider to track the healing process. That way, they can make sure everything is on track as well as provide guidance as necessary, such as updates to your post-procedure care plan.  

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t contact your eye care provider between those appointments. If you’re experiencing pain, swelling, redness, light flashes, or an increase in floaters, reach out to your eye doctor right away. Additionally, if you are experiencing any vision loss, see your eye care provider immediately. Those could all be signs of an issue that may need addressing, so it’s best to get help as quickly as possible.  

Work with Buffalo’s Top Ophthalmologists for Cataract Surgery

At ECVA, the safety and health of your eyes are our priority. If you are looking for ophthalmologists in Buffalo, NY with experience performing cataract surgery, ECVA is here to help. Consult the eye care specialists at any of our four locations to learn more about recovering from cataract surgery in Western New York: Orchard Park, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and Williamsville. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.

Family looking at eyeglasses

Taking Care of Dry Eyes in Winter

While the winter can be a magical time of year, it can also wreak havoc on your eyes. Falling temperatures, heater use, and other situations that occur during this season can leave eyes feeling dry and itchy, which isn’t ideal.  

Luckily, there are steps you can take to address the situation. Here are some tips for taking care of dry eyes in winter.  

Don’t Sit Directly Next to Heat Sources  

Staying close to heat sources could make dry eyes harder to manage. The air near heaters and radiators tends to be drier, and that impacts your eyes. Additionally, if the heat source also has a blower, the moving heat could dry out eyes even quicker.  

Ideally, you want to have some distance between you and the heat source. While the air in a heated space may still be dry, it will be just a bit better if you aren’t as close.  

Use a Humidifier to Add Moisture to the Air  

Since heating systems reduce the amount of moisture in the air – a situation that can lead to dry eyes – putting moisture back into a space makes a difference. Often, a humidifier is the easiest way to go. The machines tend to be small and simple to use.  

When you fill your humidifier, use distilled water instead of tap water. Distilled water doesn’t have any minerals or particles, so it won’t harm the machine. Additionally, it’s treated to remove bacteria, allergens, and other contaminants.  

Drink More Water to Ensure You’re Hydrated  

If you’re dehydrated, dry eyes are often more of an issue. Since heaters and dry air can speed up dehydration, you want to make an extra effort when it comes to staying hydrated. You replenish what you’re losing by drinking more water, ensuring your body can create enough tears to keep your eyes comfortable.  

For anyone who isn’t the biggest fan of plain water, other options can also work. Foods with high water contents can make a difference, as well as beverages like green tea.  

Eat More Fish to Keep Eyes Hydrated  

The omega-3 fatty acids in cold-water fish can actually help keep your eyes more comfortable in the winter. Those fatty acids assist with moisture retention in the eyes, keeping them better lubricated even when the air is drier. Halibut, mackerel, and tuna are all great options. However, anything that provides a solid dose of omega-3s could potentially make a difference.  

Use Artificial Tears to Rehydrate Eyes  

If you’re eyes feel dry, there’s a good chance that they’re short on moisture. By using artificial tears, you can remoisten eyes and keep them from drying out as quickly.  

Usually, artificial tears contain ingredients designed to enhance hydration and reduce evaporation, allowing your eyes to stay comfortable for longer periods. If you want guidance regarding artificial tears, speak with your eye doctor to see what they recommend.  

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patient’s eyes are our priority. If you are struggling with dry eye this season or are experiencing symptoms that could indicate another problem, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.