What Is Eyelid Dermatitis?

Eyelid dermatitis is a form of contact dermatitis, a skin condition that occurs when you come into contact with a triggering substance, such as an allergen, dust, or irritating chemical. After contact, the eyelid experiences a reaction, leading to various symptoms.  

Whether you’re trying to determine if you’re experiencing eyelid dermatitis or would simply like to know more about the condition, here’s an overview of what causes eyelid dermatitis, the typical symptoms, and details about treatment.  

What Causes Eyelid Dermatitis  

Generally, eyelid dermatitis comes in two forms. First, there’s irritant contact dermatitis. As the name implies, this occurs after contact with a substance, such as a chemical or dust.  

Second, there’s allergic eyelid dermatitis. This version also occurs when there’s contact with a substance, but the substance is specifically an allergen in this scenario.  

In both cases, symptoms from eyelid dermatitis can develop quickly or slowly. Generally, this varies due to the substance involved, the amount of exposure, and the person’s degree of sensitivity to it.  

Common Symptoms of Eyelid Dermatitis  

Eyelid dermatitis can come with a variety of symptoms. Reddening of the skin is one of the more common ones, along with issues like skin swelling, thickening, or scaling. An itching, burning, or stinging sensation also frequently accompanies eyelid dermatitis. In some cases, pain and blistering can occur.  

Unlike eye irritation caused by an infection, eyelid dermatitis is not contagious. Primarily, that’s because eyelid dermatitis isn’t triggered by bacteria or infection. 

Will Eyelid Dermatitis Go Away Without Treatment  

Mild cases of eyelid dermatitis may clear up on their own, suggesting that no additional exposure to the substance triggered the reaction. However, eyelid dermatitis can lead to other conditions if it’s not treated swiftly. For example, it can increase a person’s chances of developing an eye infection.  

Additionally, the symptoms of eyelid dermatitis can align with the symptoms that occur due to other eye conditions, including infections or other potentially serious medical concerns. As a result, it’s best to consult with your eye care provider if you have symptoms of eyelid dermatitis.  

Treating Eyelid Dermatitis  

For mild cases of eyelid dermatitis, treatment isn’t always necessary. For more severe cases or situations where the discomfort is significant enough to make everyday activities challenging, working with your eye care provider to find a better treatment option is wise. They may precisely topical or oral corticosteroids or allergy treatments, or calcineurin inhibitors, depending on the cause of the reaction.  

It’s also wise to take specific steps if you have symptoms of eyelid dermatitis. Don’t wear makeup even if it isn’t likely to be the cause, as it may irritate the condition. Consider whether the triggering substance is potentially related to a new item in your home – such as lotion, laundry products, or anything else that may have contacted the eye area – and stop using it if it’s a potential irritant. Avoid scratching or touching the eye area, too.  

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patients’ eyes are our priority. If you believe you’re experiencing symptoms of eyelid dermatitis or simply haven’t seen your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

Debunking Common Myths About Cataract Surgery

Myths persist about cataract surgery, even though it’s one of the most common and safest medical procedures in the United States. It makes sense, though; anytime we think about surgery, it’s frightening, but to consider an eye operation is even more daunting. Yet 99.5% of cataract surgery patients in Buffalo, NY, and across the country experience no surgical complications. Each year, more than four million of these procedures are successfully completed. Cataract eye doctors in Buffalo, like Eye Care & Vision Associates (ECVA), are well-versed in the most current best practices to restore vision to their patients.

What are the myths about cataract surgery? What are the facts? This article will help you differentiate between the two for a more informed decision about the health of your eyes.

Debunk 5 Myths with Cataract Surgeons in Buffalo, NY

Cataract surgeons in Buffalo often debunk five common misconceptions about the procedure:

  • Any surgery on your eyes is very uncomfortable.
  • Only older adults need cataract surgery.
  • Eye surgery is incredibly risky and dangerous.
  • Why have surgery? My cataracts will grow back.
  • I’m having LASIK—why would I need cataract surgery, too?

Myth #1: Cataract Surgery is Painful

Cataract surgery is typically not painful due to the use of local anesthesia. Cataract surgery in Buffalo, NY is performed by a skilled ophthalmologist who ensures patient comfort throughout the process. Before the surgery, your doctor will administer eye drops to numb the eye, and a sedative may be given to help you relax. Once the anesthesia takes effect, the surgeon removes the clouded eye lens and replaces it with an artificial intraocular lens. While patients may experience slight pressure or mild discomfort, any pain is generally minimal. Postoperative recovery is usually smooth, with prescribed eye drops and follow-up appointments to ensure healing progresses quickly.

Myth #2: Only the Elderly Need Cataract Surgery

No, cataract surgery is not exclusive to the elderly. While cataracts are most commonly associated with aging, they can develop at any time due to various factors such as genetics, trauma, certain medications, or medical conditions like diabetes.

The decision to undergo cataract surgery depends on the severity of vision impairment and the impact it has on a person’s daily life, regardless of age. Surgery may be recommended if cataracts significantly affect vision and limit daily activities.

Eye care professionals evaluate each case to determine the appropriate treatment, regardless of the patient’s age. With that said, more than half of Americans that live to age 80 will have cataract surgery in their lifetime.

Myth #3: Cataract Surgery is Risky, and Complications are Common

Cataract surgery is generally considered safe, with only a 2 to 4% complication rate. However, like any surgical procedure, cataract surgery carries some risks. Potential complications, although uncommon, can include infection, bleeding, inflammation, or swelling. There is also a small risk of complications such as posterior capsule opacification or intraocular lens dislocation.

Eye care professionals carefully assess each patient’s overall health and eye condition before recommending surgery, considering any potential risks. By choosing experienced cataract eye doctors in Buffalo like ECVA and following postoperative instructions, 99.5% of all patients achieve excellent outcomes with minimal complications, leading to improved vision and an enhanced quality of life.

Myth #4: Cataracts Can Come Back Again After Having Surgery

In most cases, cataracts do not come back after cataract surgery. During the surgery, the clouded natural lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL), which does not develop cataracts.

However, in rare instances, a condition called posterior capsule opacification (PCO) can occur. PCO causes a cloudy membrane to develop behind the IOL, leading to symptoms like cataracts. Fortunately, this condition can be easily treated with a quick, painless laser procedure called a YAG capsulotomy. Like cataract surgery, the YAG laser capsulotomy is simple and painless, and patients can go home shortly after the procedure. It is performed in a few minutes after dilating the pupil using anesthetic eye drops.

Regular follow-up appointments with an ophthalmologist are important to monitor eye health and address any potential issues that may arise after cataract surgery.

Myth #5: Cataracts Can Be Treated Using LASIK

Cataracts cannot be treated using LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) surgery. LASIK is a refractive surgical procedure primarily used to correct common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea. Cataracts, on the other hand, occur when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to blurry vision and other visual impairments.

The treatment for cataracts is cataract surgery, where the cloudy natural lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). An ophthalmologist performs this surgical procedure and can effectively restore clear vision. Cataract surgery is considered safe and has a high success rate.

LASIK surgery is not appropriate for treating cataracts as it does not address the underlying issue of cloudiness in the lens. It is important to consult with an eye care professional who can accurately diagnose and recommend the appropriate treatment for cataracts, which is cataract surgery rather than LASIK.

Schedule a Consultation for Cataract Surgery in Buffalo, NY to Learn More

If you are experiencing cataract symptoms and reside in Buffalo, NY, it is advisable to schedule a consultation with the trusted professionals at ECVA. Cataract symptoms include:

  • Blurred or cloudy vision
  • Reduced color perception
  • Light sensitivity
  • Poor night vision
  • Frequent changes in contact lens or eyeglass prescriptions
  • Double vision in one eye (monocular diplopia)

ECVA is a leading healthcare provider specializing in Cataract Surgery in Buffalo, NY. Consulting with an experienced ophthalmologist from our team will provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of your eye health and an opportunity to discuss the cataract surgery procedure in detail.

During the consultation, the surgeon will assess the severity of your cataracts and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. They will also address any concerns or questions you may have regarding the surgery, recovery process, and expected outcomes. By scheduling a consultation, you gain valuable insights into cataract surgery and make an informed decision about your vision care.

Does Health Insurance Cover Cataract Surgery?

Whether you recently learned that you have cataracts and want to prepare or are getting ready for cataract surgery, understanding your out-of-pocket costs is essential. The most common question for those with insurance is whether their policy covers cataract surgery. If you’d like to learn more about whether health insurance handles any of the costs of cataract surgery, here’s what you need to know.  

Does Private Health Insurance Cover Cataract Surgery?  

Generally, major private health insurance policies do cover cataract surgery. However, how much of the related expenses they’ll cover can vary as each insurer sets its own limits, percentages, and rates.  

Additionally, private health insurance usually covers traditional monofocal lens implants. If you’re considering premium cataract lenses, such as multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) or Toric IOLs, your health insurance provider may not cover the upgraded lenses.  

Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery?  

As with major private health insurance policies, Medicare does cover cataract surgery for qualifying individuals. Generally, the same limitations also apply, like the coverage being limited to traditional monofocal lens implants.  

What Kind of Cataract Surgery Is Covered by Insurance?  

As mentioned above, most insurance companies cover cataract surgery using traditional monofocal lens implants. This includes the cost of the lenses themselves, as well as any facility or physician services related to the surgery, suggesting that the providers are part of the insurer’s network or are eligible for coverage as an out-of-network provider.  

If you opt for premium IOLs, the policies won’t typically cover the cost of those lenses. However, the coverage may handle the physician or facility costs based on the policy’s percentage, though that can vary from one provider to the next.  

Are There Out-of-Pocket Expenses with Cataract Surgery?  

Out-of-pocket expenses are common for cataract surgery. Most policies only cover a percentage of the associated costs. For example, Medicare Original covers 80 percent of the related expenses, so the patient is responsible for the remaining 20 percent if they don’t have supplemental insurance to handle the rest.  

If a patient opts for premium IOLs over traditional monofocal lens implants, they’re typically responsible for the full cost of the premium IOLs. At times, the insurance may not handle other related expenses since it involves another lens type, though this isn’t always the case.  

How to Cover Out-of-Pocket Expenses  

If you need cataract surgery, you have several options for handling any out-of-pocket expenses. While the most straightforward is paying cash, that isn’t the only viable approach. Supplemental insurance may address the out-of-pocket costs. You can also tap flexible or health savings accounts. Finally, there are financing options through companies like Care Credit, which can work well if you don’t have another source of funds available.  

The Best Cataract Surgeons In WNY

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patients’ eyes are our priority. If you’re considering cataract surgery and would like to work with an eye care provider to see if it’s right for you or simply haven’t seen your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.