The Evolution of LASIK: From PRK to Bladeless Femtosecond LASIK

Vision correction surgery began making headlines in the 1980s and 1990s. It generated excitement as people learned they may have a path to see clearly without needing corrective lenses, including prescription glasses or contacts.  

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) quickly became one of the most popular options available. It offered less discomfort and faster recovery times, as well as the possibility to achieve 20/20 vision within one day.  

However, there are several types of vision correction surgery on the market and each works best in different situations. Here’s an overview of the options, including LASIK, PRK, bladeless femtosecond LASIK, and more.  


PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) is a laser eye surgery that predates LASIK. While it’s not as widely used as LASIK, it remains relevant since it’s a bladeless procedure. As a result, it’s an option for people with thin corneas. However, it’s generally limited to individuals with myopia and astigmatism, and it’s appropriate for significant hyperopia.  

With PRK, vision correction is achieved by working through the outer layer and reshaping the cornea to address refractive errors. Most patients see vision improvements within one month, though some may take closer to three months to achieve proper results, depending on how quickly the outer layer repairs.  


LASIK is a procedure that uses lasers to reshape the cornea, allowing it to treat myopia, presbyopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. A microkeratome (a type of blade) creates a flap to make the cornea accessible. Then, a laser removes specific tissue to correct refractive errors. Once the tissues are removed, the flap is put back into place to heal.  

While LASIK is effective, there’s a higher chance of dry eye as a side effect, which may make it a less-than-ideal choice for patients who already experience dry eyes. However, the bladed approach can more easily navigate certain cornea or pupil abnormalities when compared to a laser-based alternative.  


ASA (advanced surface ablation) is similar to PRK, but it relies on a different type of laser. The laser loosens the outer layer of the cornea to allow the laser to penetrate more deeply to correct refractive issues, and it’s a bladeless procedure. Generally, ASA complication rates are lower than PRK, and outcomes are typically better due to the high degree of precision.  


LASEK (laser-assisted sub-epithelial keratomileusis) is also similar to PRK, but it creates an ultra-thin flap using the laser that remains attached. That layer is moved to the side to allow the laser to reshape the cornea and is then repositioned. The results are usually akin to what’s seen with PRK, and it’s a potential option for patients with thin corneas that make them ineligible for traditional LASIK. Additionally, it may work for patients who already struggle with dry eyes, a condition that can be exacerbated by LASIK.  

Bladeless Femtosecond LASIK  

Bladeless femtosecond LASIK, also known as femtoLASIK, uses a femtosecond laser instead of a blade to create the flap. Since it relies on all-laser technology, it may offer a greater degree of precision when creating the flap and may reduce the risk of complications. Once that’s done, lasers reshape the cornea to address the refractive errors before the flap is put back into place.  

With Bladeless femtosecond LASIK, it’s possible to correct the same refractive errors as you would with traditional LASIK. It may also work particularly well for patients who already experience dry eye, as that side effect is typically less pronounced and may not last as long.  

Connect With Top LASIK Doctors in Buffalo

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patients’ eyes are our priority. If you’re considering laser vision correction surgery or simply haven’t visited your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

Cataract Surgery in Orchard Park: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Cataracts are a common eye condition that can significantly impact your vision, making routine activities challenging. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have made cataract surgery a safe and effective solution. Cataract surgery is still the most widespread surgical procedure worldwide, with 3.7 million cases annually in the U.S., seven million in Europe, and 20 million across the globe. In the U.S., cataract surgery is nearly 99% effective with an exceedingly low complication rate. If you’re considering cataract surgery in Orchard Park, it’s essential to understand when to consult with a cataract surgeon. Your doctor can discuss the types of surgeries available, what to expect during and after the procedure, and how to prepare for a smooth experience. This article will guide you through all these important topics, helping you make informed decisions about your eye health.

When Should You Meet with a Cataract Surgeon in Orchard Park?

Cataract surgery becomes a viable option when you experience specific symptoms. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s crucial to consult with cataract surgeons in Orchard Park promptly.

You Have Poor Night Vision

One of the early indicators of cataracts is a decline in night vision. If you struggle to see clearly in low-light conditions, such as when driving at night, it could be a sign of cataracts. Meeting with cataract ophthalmologists in Orchard Park allows for a comprehensive eye examination to determine the extent of the issue and discuss potential treatment options.

You’ve Developed Double Vision

Double vision, also known as diplopia, is another symptom that may indicate the presence of cataracts. Cataracts cause light entering the eye to scatter, leading to blurred or double vision. If you’re experiencing double vision, it’s essential to consult with cataract surgeons in Orchard Park to assess the cause and explore suitable treatment options.

Your Vision is Cloudy

Cloudy or blurred vision is a hallmark symptom of cataracts. As the cataract progresses, the eye’s natural lens becomes increasingly opaque, impacting the clarity of your vision. If you notice a gradual decline in the sharpness of your vision, schedule a consultation with a cataract surgeon in Orchard Park to discuss the possibility of cataract surgery.

What Types of Cataract Surgery are Offered By Ophthalmologists in Orchard Park?

Once you’ve decided to undergo cataract surgery in Orchard Park, your surgeon will discuss the options based on your specific needs and the severity of your cataracts.

Traditional Cataract Surgery

Traditional cataract surgery, or phacoemulsification, is a well-established and widely used procedure. During this surgery, the surgeon makes a small incision in the cornea and uses ultrasound technology to break up the cloudy lens. The doctor removes the fragmented lens and implants an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to restore clear vision. Traditional cataract surgery is a highly effective and safe procedure with millions of successful surgeries performed globally.

Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery

Laser-assisted cataract surgery is a recent advancement that uses laser technology to perform some of the steps traditionally done manually. This technique offers increased precision in creating incisions and breaking up the cataract, potentially reducing the risk of complications. While traditional and laser-assisted cataract surgeries are effective, the choice between them depends on individual factors and the surgeon’s recommendation.

What to Expect from Your Cataract Surgery in Orchard Park

Understanding the details of the cataract surgery process can help alleviate any anxiety or uncertainty. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect before, during, and after your cataract surgery in Orchard Park.

How to Prepare for Your Cataract Surgery

Before your surgery, your cataract surgeon will provide specific instructions on how to prepare. These instructions may include:

  • Discontinuing certain medications: Your surgeon will advise you on whether to stop taking specific medications before the surgery, especially those that may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Fasting before surgery: In most cases, you will fast for a certain period before the surgery to ensure your stomach is empty, reducing the risk of complications during the procedure.
  • Arranging for transportation: Cataract surgery is typically an outpatient procedure, so you’ll need someone to drive you home afterward. Arrange for a friend or family member to assist you on the day of surgery.

What to Expect During Your Cataract Surgery

On the day of your cataract surgery, you can expect the following:

  • Preparation: You’ll receive a local anesthetic to numb the eye, and your surgeon may administer a mild sedative to help you relax.
  • Incision: A small incision is made in the cornea to access the cataract.
  • Breaking up the cataract: Depending on the type of surgery, the cataract will be manually broken up using ultrasound or with laser technology.
  • IOL insertion: Once your surgeon removes the cataract, an artificial interocular lens (IOL) will be inserted to replace the natural lens.
  • Stitching (if necessary): In many cases, the incision is self-sealing and does not require stitches. However, in some instances, your surgeon may use tiny stitches to close the incision.

The entire procedure is relatively quick, often taking less than 30 minutes to complete.

After Your Cataract Surgery

After your cataract surgery, you’ll be monitored for a short period in the recovery area. Here are some post-surgery considerations:

  • Eye shield: You may be given an eye shield to wear for protection, especially while sleeping.
  • Prescription eye drops: Your surgeon will prescribe eye drops to help prevent infection and reduce inflammation. It’s crucial to follow the prescribed medication schedule.
  • Rest and recovery: Rest is essential for the initial recovery period. Avoid strenuous activities and keep water, soap, and shampoo out of your eyes for the first week.
  • Follow-up appointments: Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and address any concerns or questions you may have.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Cataract Surgery?

The recovery period after cataract surgery is a crucial phase during which your eyes heal and your vision gradually improves. While the exact timeline can vary from person to person, understanding the general progression of recovery can help manage expectations and ensure a smooth healing process.

First Few Days: Immediately after cataract surgery, you may experience some mild discomfort, itching, or a gritty sensation in the treated eye. This feeling is entirely normal and is often managed with prescribed eye drops. It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding using these drops to prevent infection and reduce inflammation. During this initial period, it’s recommended to avoid rubbing your eyes and to be cautious when engaging in activities that may expose your eyes to dust or irritants.

First Week: Most patients find they can resume their normal activities within the first week after cataract surgery. However, adhering to your surgeon’s guidelines regarding strenuous activities. While you may be eager to return to your usual routine, you should refrain from activities such as heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, or bending at the waist. Additionally, wearing sunglasses outdoors can protect your eyes from bright sunlight, promoting a more comfortable recovery.

During this week, you may notice a significant improvement in your vision, but it’s essential to understand that your eyes are still adjusting. Follow any recommendations for the use of an eye shield, especially while sleeping, to prevent accidental rubbing or pressure on the eyes during the night.

First Month: The first month after cataract surgery is a critical phase of recovery. While many individuals experience substantial improvements in their vision within the first few days, the healing process continues over the next several weeks. It’s common to have follow-up appointments with your cataract surgeon during this period to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Patients often report clearer and sharper vision as the weeks go by. However, it’s not uncommon to experience fluctuations in vision during the initial stages of recovery, including variations in focus or occasional blurriness, which typically resolve as your eyes adapt to the new artificial lens.

Long-Term Recovery: While the initial recovery is a significant milestone, the long-term success of cataract surgery hinges on ongoing care and attention to your eye health. The artificial lens implanted during the procedure is permanent and does not require special maintenance. Routine eye exams, however, are crucial to monitor any changes in your vision and address any potential issues that may arise over time.

It’s important to communicate openly with your cataract surgeon about any persistent discomfort, changes in vision, or other concerns during follow-up appointments. Your surgeon may recommend additional measures or adjustments to ensure the continued health and optimal performance of your eyes.

In conclusion, while the recovery timeline varies, most patients experience a significant improvement in vision and an overall enhancement in their quality of life following cataract surgery in Orchard Park. By following post-operative care instructions diligently and attending scheduled follow-up appointments, you contribute to a successful and uneventful recovery, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of clear and restored vision.

Schedule a Consultation with The Top Cataract Surgeons in Orchard Park Today

Cataract surgery in Orchard Park is a transformative procedure that can significantly enhance your vision and quality of life. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as poor night vision, double vision, or cloudy vision, it’s essential to consult with a cataract surgeon to explore your options. Understanding the types of cataract surgery available, what to expect during the procedure, and how to prepare for surgery can help you approach the process with confidence. With advancements in surgical techniques and technology, cataract surgery has become a routine and highly successful procedure, allowing patients to regain clear vision and enjoy a more vibrant life.

The most talented cataract surgeons in Orchard Park reside at Eye Care and Vision Associations (ECVA). Our team of talented cataract ophthalmologists in Orchard Park and the surrounding area focus on a single mission: To provide the best care for our patients and their families. If you’re ready to discuss cataract surgery with the best eye doctors in Orchard Park, schedule a consultation today.

Beyond Eye Drops: The Advantages of Durysta Implant for Glaucoma Treatment

To put it simply, a glaucoma diagnosis is intimidating for many patients. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness. While there’s no cure for glaucoma, there are treatment options designed to help preserve your vision, including Durysta.  

Durysta is a newer treatment option for open-angle glaucoma (OAG) that also works for ocular hypertension (OHT). It’s a bimatoprost intracameral implant that’s FDA-approved, and Durysta works by releasing bimatoprost – a medication that combats high eye pressure – slowly over time.  

When looking for a glaucoma treatment, Durysta offers several advantages over many alternatives, particularly eye drops. Here’s a look at what patients can gain by choosing the Durysta implant for glaucoma treatment.  

Durysta Offers Better Effectiveness 

While eye drops are an approved treatment for glaucoma, using that approach prevents all of the medication from reaching the impacted tissues. With glaucoma, intraocular pressure typically builds in the posterior or back of the eye, not the surface where eye drops are applied. As a result, not all of the medications reach the affected tissues.  

One of the most distinct benefits patients experience when using the Durysta implant instead of eye drops is better efficacy. With Durysta, the implant is positioned to ensure medications are able to reach impacted tissues more reliably than eye drops. That makes it highly effective at reducing intraocular pressure and leads to better overall results.  

Improved Stability with Durysta  

When eye drops are used to treat glaucoma, the presence of the medication declines over time until the eye drops are reapplied. As a result, patients may experience fluctuations in intraocular pressure. Additionally, if they forget to apply the eye drops according to the schedule, more significant fluctuations can occur.  

The Durysta implant ensures that medication is steadily released over time. This creates greater stability when it comes to eye pressure, even overnight. The implant provides stability for a minimum of four to six months, though patients may experience lower pressure up to 24 months after insertion.  

Durysta Is Simpler for Patients  

One of the challenges of using eye drops to treat glaucoma is the need for frequent applications. While the frequency of use does vary depending on a patient’s needs, some may need to apply the eye drops up to four times daily. That’s a potentially challenging schedule to maintain, particularly for people who are on the go or may struggle with remembering to use the medication.  

With the Durysta implant, patients don’t need to take action to ensure they’re getting the treatment. Once inserted, Durysta slowly releases the medication on its own. As a result, it’s far simpler for patients to use, as once it’s in place, no further effort is typically required.  

See The Best Doctors in Buffalo for Glaucoma Treatment

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patients’ eyes are our priority. If you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma and want to see if the Durysta implant is right for you or simply haven’t visited your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

Big News: Orchard Park Vision Care Office Reopens with a Fresh Look!

We are delighted to announce the reopening of our Orchard Park eye care center, which officially took place on Monday, October 30th. This marks the beginning of a new chapter for us, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with our cherished southtown community. 

A Commitment to Excellence 

At our Orchard Park center, we’ve poured our hearts into a comprehensive revitalization, driven by our unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier eye care that exceeds your expectations for both quality and service. Our mission is simple – to provide exceptional eye care while treating you as not just a patient, but as a unique individual. 

What’s New: 

  • Spacious Environment: The new center boasts a more spacious and comfortable setting, creating a welcoming and soothing atmosphere for all our patients. 
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We’ve invested in state-of-the-art medical equipment to ensure that you receive the highest standard of care. Your eye health is our priority, and we’ve equipped our center accordingly. 
  • Expanded Optical Shop: Our Optical Shop has nearly doubled in size, offering an even wider selection of eyewear, frames, and accessories to cater to your style and vision needs. 

A Team Dedicated to You 

Our entire team, including our skilled ophthalmologists and dedicated staff, are united by a singular goal – to care for you as a person, not just a patient. We understand the importance of eye health in your overall well-being, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. 

Unmatched Eye Care Expertise 

Our specialized team of doctors and certified technicians are committed to providing the highest level of care for your eyes. We pride ourselves on dedicating time and attention to understanding the root causes of your eye conditions. This enables us to create personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. 

Schedule Your Visit in The Southtowns 

For any questions or to schedule an appointment at our newly rejuvenated Orchard Park center, please feel free to call us at 716.631.3937 (EYES) or 716.648.5329. We’re here to serve you, and we can’t wait to welcome you to our refreshed facility. 

Thank you for entrusting us with your eye care, and we look forward to providing you with the highest level of service and expertise at our Orchard Park location.