What is a Visual or Ocular Migraine

When people think of migraine headaches, physical discomfort or pain is usually the part that comes to mind first. However, migraines can also come with visual disturbances, and it’s even possible to have a migraine where the only symptom is a change to your vision. In either of those cases, the person is dealing with a visual migraine.  

Also known as ocular migraines, visual migraines can cause significant vision issues, making it hard – if not impossible – to navigate their environment safely. If you’re curious about visual migraines, including the different types, the symptoms you may experience, and when it’s wise to seek treatment, here’s what you need to know.  

Types of Visual Migraines and Their Symptoms  

Generally speaking, there are two types of visual migraine. First, there is migraine with aura. Here, both eyes may experience vision changes. Usually, it begins with the formation of a flickering, jagged blind spot. As the migraine continues, the blind spot can grow, generally forming a C-shape.  

Along with blind spots, a person might experience bright flashes of light or stars. The blind spots can also develop into a wide range of shapes and patterns and are often accompanied by other symptoms, including tinnitus, numbness, tingling, facial weakness, and difficulty speaking. Usually, a migraine with aura symptoms lasts between five and 60 minutes.  

The other kind of visual migraine is a retinal migraine. Generally, retinal migraines only impact one eye at a time. There may be bright flashes followed by a vision decline, including losing the ability to see out of that eye entirely.  

Usually, the symptoms of a retinal migraine last for up to 20 minutes. Additionally, they are highly intrusive while occurring, substantially altering a person’s vision to the point of having trouble navigating environments or managing everyday tasks.  

It’s important to note that vision losses can remain after a retinal migraine ends. However, this is relatively rare.  

When to Seek Treatment for Visual Migraines  

Generally, it’s best to seek treatment for all kinds of visual migraines. While a migraine with aura usually ends within an hour, the symptoms a person experiences can align with other potentially serious medical conditions. As a result, it’s best to consult with a professional to confirm a migraine is responsible.  

With retinal migraines, seeing an eye care provider is also essential. By doing so, a treatment plan can be developed, reducing the odds of long-term vision changes after episodes. Additionally, some of the symptoms of a retinal migraine are also symptoms of some serious medical conditions, such as a retinal detachment or injury. By seeking medical attention right away, you increase your odds of getting prompt treatment if another condition is causing the symptoms.  

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patient’s eyes are our priority. If you have signs or symptoms of ocular migraines and want professional insights into what you’re experiencing or haven’t seen your eye care provider in the past year, the ECVA team is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Your Eyes

Many people have questions about their eyes and vision, particularly regarding visual changes, discomfort, and safety. If you’re one of them, here is a look at some frequently asked questions about eyes.  

Do Wearing Readers Make Your Eyesight Worse?  

Losing some visual acuity comes along with aging, leading many people to turn to reading glasses at some point in their 40s or 50s. However, when their vision declines further, they may wonder if the reading glasses (readers) are to blame.  

In reality, readers don’t harm your vision. Instead, any change in your visual acuity is usually natural, reflecting normal changes that can occur as you age. However, since there can be other causes for vision changes – including some serious medical conditions – it’s best to see your eye care provider to confirm whether you’re experiencing a typical vision decline or if something else is occurring.  

Can I Drive If My Eyes Are Dilated?  

When you get dilation drops, your pupils widen, causing them to take in more light. In most cases, driving home after an eye dilation is fine if you wear sunglasses to reduce the amount of light coming into the eye.  

However, every person is different, and dilating the pupils can cause blurry near vision for several hours. While the distance vision is usually unaffected, if a person’s distance vision is lacking and they’re experiencing near-vision blurriness, they may be better off having someone else drive them.  

Why Does My Vision Fluctuate?  

A significant amount of vision fluctuation can be signal a potential issue. High blood glucose levels may cause short-term changes in the lens, leading to blurriness or distortions. When the glucose levels decline, the person’s vision then clears.  

Since blood glucose fluctuations of this magnitude can be a symptom of an underlying health condition, such as diabetes or diabetic retinopathy, it’s best to see a medical professional. That way, they can determine the reason for the vision changes and create a treatment plan if needed.  

Why Do My Eyes Hurt When Working at a Computer?  

Working in front of a computer – or any other kind of screen – causes people to stop blinking as much. Since blinking is critical for keeping eyes moist, you may experience more issues with dry eye if you spend a significant amount of time in front of a computer. Dry eyes can come with a variety of symptoms, including discomfort, itchiness, and fatigue.  

Plus, depending on brightness settings, font sizes, and similar settings, you may end up with eye strain. Insufficient contrast or small fonts may make it hard to read what’s on a screen, causing a person to struggle to focus. An incredibly bright screen might be rough on the eyes, leading to squinting. In either of those cases, pain and fatigue can come with the territory.  

Generally, the best way to combat these issues is to give your eyes a break. The 20/20/20 rule can be a great place to start, ensuring you look away from the screen and at something in the distance for a minimum of 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Using eye drops can also help, ensuring your eyes remain moist, as well as adjusting your screen settings to make it more comfortable to use.  

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patient’s eyes are our priority. If you have any questions about your vision or eye health or haven’t seen your eye care provider in the past year, the team at ECVA is here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today. 

AMD Awareness – Age-Related Macular Degeneration

February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month, a time where we share information about this devastating condition. Along with outlining what you need to know about AMD, our goal is to ensure that patients learn about actions to slow the condition and preserve their vision. With that in mind, here’s a look at what AMD is and what you can do about it.  

What Is AMD?  

AMD is a condition that impacts the retina and can cause central vision loss. While a person with AMD can see normally with their peripheral vision, they won’t be able to distinguish fine details when an item is directly in front of them, regardless of the distance.  

There are two main forms of AMD. The dry type involves drusen (a yellow deposit) collecting in the macula. As the drusen increase in size or number, they lead to vision distortions. As the condition progresses, cells in the macula thin, causing worsening vision. In time, those cells die, harming visual acuity even further and potentially leading to blind spots.  

With wet AMD, abnormal blood vessel activity underneath the macula causes visual distortions. Leading vessels introduce fluid into the retina, which can cause straight lines to look wavy. In time, the leaks lead to scarring, resulting in permanent central vision loss.  

Both types have similar symptoms. Along with worsening vision, there can be blurriness or distortions. Dark spots in your central visual field can also occur, and, in some cases, color perception may be altered.  

AMD is a progressive condition in many cases, leading to more severe vision loss over time. In fact, it’s the leading cause of significant, permanent vision loss in individuals over the age of 60.  

Treating AMD  

There isn’t a cure for AMD. However, the right treatments can slow the condition’s progression, keeping as much of your central vision intact as possible. Which approaches are best can depend on the type of AMD involved and the severity of the condition.  

With wet AMD, anti-angiogenesis medications may be used since they can block blood vessel growth and prevent leaking. Laser therapy can also address abnormal blood vessel activity.  

For those with dry AMD, there are fewer options available. Working with a low-vision rehabilitation specialist may help you adapt to any central vision loss, allowing you to live as normally as possible. In severe cases, a telescopic lens implant may be considered.  

Some studies indicate that certain supplements may slow the progression of dry AMD, including copper, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and zinc. However, that approach isn’t appropriate for everyone, so you’ll need to consult with a medical professional before beginning a new regimen.  

In either case, seeing your eye doctor is essential. That way, they can monitor your condition and create a treatment plan based on your specific needs.  

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patient’s eyes are our priority. If you have signs or symptoms of AMD, want to explore AMD treatment or management strategies, or simply haven’t seen your eye care provider recently, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

Taking Care of Dry Eyes in Winter

While the winter can be a magical time of year, it can also wreak havoc on your eyes. Falling temperatures, heater use, and other situations that occur during this season can leave eyes feeling dry and itchy, which isn’t ideal.  

Luckily, there are steps you can take to address the situation. Here are some tips for taking care of dry eyes in winter.  

Don’t Sit Directly Next to Heat Sources  

Staying close to heat sources could make dry eyes harder to manage. The air near heaters and radiators tends to be drier, and that impacts your eyes. Additionally, if the heat source also has a blower, the moving heat could dry out eyes even quicker.  

Ideally, you want to have some distance between you and the heat source. While the air in a heated space may still be dry, it will be just a bit better if you aren’t as close.  

Use a Humidifier to Add Moisture to the Air  

Since heating systems reduce the amount of moisture in the air – a situation that can lead to dry eyes – putting moisture back into a space makes a difference. Often, a humidifier is the easiest way to go. The machines tend to be small and simple to use.  

When you fill your humidifier, use distilled water instead of tap water. Distilled water doesn’t have any minerals or particles, so it won’t harm the machine. Additionally, it’s treated to remove bacteria, allergens, and other contaminants.  

Drink More Water to Ensure You’re Hydrated  

If you’re dehydrated, dry eyes are often more of an issue. Since heaters and dry air can speed up dehydration, you want to make an extra effort when it comes to staying hydrated. You replenish what you’re losing by drinking more water, ensuring your body can create enough tears to keep your eyes comfortable.  

For anyone who isn’t the biggest fan of plain water, other options can also work. Foods with high water contents can make a difference, as well as beverages like green tea.  

Eat More Fish to Keep Eyes Hydrated  

The omega-3 fatty acids in cold-water fish can actually help keep your eyes more comfortable in the winter. Those fatty acids assist with moisture retention in the eyes, keeping them better lubricated even when the air is drier. Halibut, mackerel, and tuna are all great options. However, anything that provides a solid dose of omega-3s could potentially make a difference.  

Use Artificial Tears to Rehydrate Eyes  

If you’re eyes feel dry, there’s a good chance that they’re short on moisture. By using artificial tears, you can remoisten eyes and keep them from drying out as quickly.  

Usually, artificial tears contain ingredients designed to enhance hydration and reduce evaporation, allowing your eyes to stay comfortable for longer periods. If you want guidance regarding artificial tears, speak with your eye doctor to see what they recommend.  

At ECVA, the safety and health of our patient’s eyes are our priority. If you are struggling with dry eye this season or are experiencing symptoms that could indicate another problem, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.


5 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Vision and Health

If you have diabetes, you have a greater risk of developing certain eye diseases. By understanding what may occur, you can watch out for the signs and symptoms of the conditions. That way, you can seek prompt treatment, potentially preserving your vision. 

Here’s a look at five ways diabetes can affect your vision. 

1. Blurriness 

When most people experience blurry vision, they assume new prescription lenses are a necessity. However, if you have diabetes, blurriness might be a sign that your blood sugar is too high. 

High blood sugar can cause lens swelling. Once that happens, it alters your visual acuity, often resulting in blurriness. Usually, the blurry vision is temporary. After your blood sugar gets back into the normal range, the swelling should decrease, allowing you to see clearly again. 

If the blurriness happens when your blood sugar is within your target range or doesn’t clear up after your blood sugar drops, schedule an appointment with your doctor. That way, they can make sure it isn’t a symptom of another condition. 

2. Cataracts 

As people age, tissues within the eye can break down. The material can start clumping when that happens, creating cataracts that cloud the lens and reduce visual acuity. 

Cataracts are a common condition. Many people develop them over the course of their life, particularly as they get into their golden years. However, they tend to happen earlier in individuals with diabetes. Additionally, cases in diabetics are often more severe. 

If your vision seems cloudy, see your eye doctor. They can determine if cataracts are the cause and, if so, select the best course of action. 

3. Glaucoma 

Glaucoma is a condition where pressure builds up in the eye. Along with altering your vision, glaucoma may damage blood vessels and nerves. 

People with diabetes are more likely to develop glaucoma. Since symptoms often aren’t noticeable until the condition is severe, seeing your eye doctor regularly is a must. That allows them to look for changes indicating you have glaucoma, giving them a chance to intervene before you have significant vision loss. 

4. Diabetic Retinopathy 

Diabetic retinopathy is a medical condition where blood vessels in the retina weaken, causing leaks and fluid build-up. As the disease progresses, ischemia can occur, leading to the growth of abnormal blood vessels. 

As fluids continue leaking into the vitreous of the eye, tractional retinal detachment can occur. If that happens, severe and potentially permanent vision loss can occur. 

5. Macular Edema 

The macula is a portion of your eye that’s located in the center of the retina. If you have diabetic retinopathy, fluid can leak into the macula, and blood vessels can press into it. This causes the macula to swell, resulting in a condition called macular edema. 

Often, as macular edema progresses, visual acuity declines. The most common symptoms include wavy or fuzzy vision, preventing you from seeing clearly. 

Ultimately, proper eye care is essential for people with diabetes. By seeing your eye doctor regularly, they can monitor for changes that may indicate one of the conditions above, allowing them to intervene quickly. 

At ECVA, we take the health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you have diabetes and haven’t had an eye exam recently, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today. 

Family looking at eyeglasses

Fall Eye Care Tips

For many people, fall is their favorite time of year. The heat of the summer starts to fade, and the leaves start changing, introducing warm, vibrant colors to the world.  

While many people would assume that special eye care precautions aren’t necessary during the fall, that isn’t the case. If you want to make sure your eyes stay healthy, here are some fall eye care tips that can help.  

Wash Your Hands Regularly  

Many people wouldn’t think that hand washing has much to do with eye health. However, you’re less likely to contract certain infections, including conjunctivitis or pink eye, by keeping your hands clean.  

Plus, once the weather starts to turn colder, cold and flu season isn’t far behind. Since those viruses may enter the body through the eyes, washing your hands reduces your chances of catching them.  

The same goes for COVID-19. Evidence suggests that touching your eyes after contacting something that had the virus on it could cause you to fall ill.  

By washing your hands, incidentally contacting your eyes is less risky. As a result, you may be less likely to end up ill this fall.  

Prevent Dry Eye  

When outside temperatures fall, dry eye becomes more common. The outdoor air can sap moisture, and heaters inside homes, businesses, and vehicles can lead to drier conditions.  

In most cases, artificial tears are enough to keep you comfortable. However, if you have allergies or chronic dry eye, you may need something more robust. Speak to your eye doctor about your symptoms to see what’s right for you.  

Wear Sunglasses  

Since the days are shorter and cooler, many people put their sunglasses away. However, the sun produces harmful rays all year round. By wearing sunglasses with UV protection, you shield them from potential damage.  

Plus, sunglasses can help you see more clearly. You won’t have to squint in bright light, ensuring you can enjoy sunny afternoons outdoors with greater ease.  

Keep Safety Glasses on Hand  

Many fall activities can be potentially dangerous for your eyes. For example, raking leaves can increase the number of particles in the air. Without eye protection, the odds of an irritant getting into your eye go up.  

Additionally, many people begin preparing firewood in the winter. As your chopping, pieces of the log can break away, potentially striking you in the eye. There’s a barrier between you and flying debris by wearing eye protection, reducing your odds of a serious eye injury.  

Have an Eye-Friendly Halloween  

Halloween is a time for customs and fun. However, it should also be a time for eye health, ensuring you make smart choices that won’t harm your eyes.  

If you’re dressing up this Halloween and need heavy makeup to complete the look, make sure you buy the right type. Not all cosmetics are safe to use around the eye area, so look for versions that won’t cause irritation.  

If you’re thinking about wearing cosmetic contact lenses, be cautious. Most non-prescription decorative lenses won’t fit properly, increasing the odds that they’ll scratch your eye, cause an ulcer, or lead to an eye infection. In those cases, the damage can be significant, potentially resulting in permanent vision reduction or loss.  

For decorative lenses, don’t buy over-the-counter. Instead, head to your eye doctor for a high-quality, properly-fitted pair.  

Schedule Your Eye Exam  

If you haven’t had an eye exam this year, make fall eye health season by scheduling your appointment right away. That way, your eye doctor can check your eyes and vision to see if any issues need addressing.  

At ECVA, we take the safety and health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you need an eye exam this fall, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

Why Are My Eyes So Watery?

At times, water eyes are simply an occasional annoyance. However, since excessive tearing (epiphora) can have various causes, watery eyes may also be a symptom of a medical condition.  

By understanding the various causes of watery eyes, you can find relief and determine if you need to see an eye doctor. Here is a look at why your eyes might be particularly watery.  

You Just Woke Up  

When you wake up in the morning, opening your eyes exposes your pupils to a sudden bout of bright light. That simple act can lead to tearing, with the watery eyes usually subsiding in a few minutes.  

Dry Eyes  

Dry eyes can lead to bouts of excessive tearing. Whether you have chronic dry eye or your eyes dry out due to an activity – like being overly focused on a computer screen – or environmental change – such as going outside on a cold, windy day – more tears are your body’s solution. When your body tries to relubricate your eyes, it can produce more tears than are usually necessary, leading to a short period of wateriness.  

Contact Lenses  

Contact lenses can disrupt eye lubrication and act as a mild eye irritant, both of which can lead to tearing. If the tearing is occasional, it may be no more than an annoyance. If it’s disruptive, you may want to see your eye doctor to determine if your contacts are the wrong material for you, improperly fit, or if you’re simply wearing them too long each day.  

Blocked Punctum  

In some cases, the issue isn’t the amount of tears you produce but your eye’s inability to drain the tears properly. If you have a blocked punctum, the tears can’t leave the eye properly, causing your eyes to be watery.  

Often, blockages caused by minor infections or colds clear on their own in time. However, if the situation isn’t resolving, your eye doctor can examine the issue and remove the blockage.  


Along with blocking the punctum, an infection can lead to watery eyes. Usually, you’ll have other symptoms as well, such as redness, discomfort, or fever.  

Treating the underlying infection is usually the best way to relieve any symptoms. You’ll want to see your eye doctor to determine which course of treatment is best for your condition.  


Small pieces of debris can typically lead to eye tearing. This goes for debris that’s small enough not to be outwardly noticeable, as well as bigger pieces. For example, even a tiny bit of eyeliner or eyeshadow may cause tearing, even if you don’t feel any in your eye.  


When you’re exposed to an allergen, your body release histamine, which can cause an allergic reaction, that allergic reaction may include excessive tearing, causing your eyes to become watery.  

Usually, allergy-related tearing is a straightforward situation. With the right allergy treatment, the issue usually resolves.  

Cornea Issues  

A scratch, sore, or ulcer on your cornea can lead to inflammation, as well as excessive tearing. Usually, the condition is painful and results in light sensitivity. If you experience any of those symptoms, it’s best to see your eye doctor.  

Other Causes  

While the issues above are some of the most common ones, other conditions can lead to watery eyes. Chemical exposure, harmful fumes, eye injuries, facial surgery, nerve conditions, and certain medications are just some of the possibilities.  

At ECVA, we take the safety and health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you are concerned about watery eyes or excessive tearing, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

What Causes Eye Color to Change?

Changes in eye color can be as captivating as they are concerning. By understanding what can cause eye colors to change, you can determine if what you’re experiencing is typical or if you should see a visionary eye doctor.  

Here is a look at common causes of eye color changes.  

Natural Age-Related Eye Color Changes  

One of the most common situations that leads to changes in eye color occurs in children. When a baby is born, their eyes are usually lighter or bluer. Mainly, this is because a newborn hasn’t had sun exposure, so the melanin in their eyes isn’t fully developed. As they are exposed to light, melanin production increases, causing the color of their eyes to shift.  

However, eye color changes can also occur as a person ages. Those with lighter color eyes – especially Caucasians – may see their eyes lighten over time. The pigment slow degrades over time, resulting in less color.  

Other Situations Leading to Eye Color Changes  

Sun Exposure  

Since melanin plays a role in eye color, exposure to the sun can lead to eye color changes. Usually, it requires prolonged exposure and results in the irises darkening.  

Medical Treatments  

Some medications may alter eye color. One prime example was a name-brand eyelash growth serum that was available by prescription. While the side effect was rare and usually required the drops to be applied to the eye – not the lash line, as it was meant to be used – a chemical in the serum could have the ability to impact eye pigments.  

It’s also possible for other medications and surgeries to result in eye color changes. If that’s a potential side effect of a treatment, your eye care specialist will discuss it in advance.  

Nearby Colors  

In some cases, it may look like your eye color has changed when, in reality, your eyes are the same color. Changes to the size of your pupils can cause your eye color to appear slightly different. Partially, this is because your limbal ring (the darker ring on the outside of the iris) is closer to the pupil’s edge. This can make your eye color appear darker because less of the iris is visible.  

Additionally, other colors near your eyes may impact how your eye color is perceived. For example, your clothing, makeup, hair, and glasses frame color may all influence the apparent hue of your irises. However, most of that is an illusion.  

When a different color is near your eye, slight reflections of those shades might make your eye color seem different, even though it isn’t. In a similar vein, changing the colors that are near your eyes may create more or less contrast than is usually there, making the hue seem stronger or weaker due to an adjustment in the comparison.  

Similarly, crying, allergies, or other activities that cause the sclera – the white part of the eye – to redden may make the irises seem slightly different. Again, this is because the area near the iris changed hues, not because the iris itself is a new color.  

Medical Conditions  

There are medical conditions that can lead to shifts in eye color. Heterochromia – a condition that causes a person to have two different colored irises or more than one color in a single iris – may result in color changes. Horner’s syndrome may cause the eyes to lighten. Pigmentary glaucoma and Fuch’s heterochromic uveitis – an inflammatory condition – may also result in changes to the iris. The same goes for eye melanoma, a type of cancer.  

Consult a Reputable Eye Doctor

The eye care specialists in Buffalo, NY at ECVA take the safety and health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you have concerns about your eye health or simply haven’t had an eye exam in a while, we can help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.  

Spider Webs in Your Vision – What It Means, Why It Happens, and How Serious Is It?

Seeing spider webs across your vision can be concerning or at least momentarily distracting. However, some of the worry is often based on not knowing what’s causing the spider webs and whether they are indicative of a serious condition.  

If you wonder what the spider webs in your vision mean, why they occur, and whether the situation requires treatment, here’s what you need to know.  

What Are Spider Webs in Your Vision?  

Spider webs in your vision are a visual phenomenon. At times, they are also described as cobwebs or floaters, the latter of which refers to the shifting nature of the specks or lines.  

In some cases, the spider webs seem nearly transparent. In others, they may look closer to hazing black dots.  

Most people notice spider webs in their vision when they are looking at a bright white surface, such as a wall. They may also be noticeable if you’re gazing at a light blue sky, especially if the sun is shining.  

Why Do Spider Webs in Your Vision Occur?  

Usually, spider webs in your vision are the result of posterior vitreous detachment. The bulk of the eye is made up of the vitreous body, which is comprised of a jelly-like substance. If the vitreous body pulls away from the retina, the jelly may form strands or shapes. As those strands shift, they cast shadows on the retina, creating a visual phenomenon that looks like spider webs, cobwebs, or floaters.  

Changes to the vitreous body are common as people age. Over time, the jelly-like substance can shrink, making a posterior vitreous detachment more likely.  

Additionally, proteins in the gel can clump together. These can create the cobweb effect, as well as spots, rings, or other shapes.  

Typically, floaters develop between the ages of 50 and 75. However, they can occur in younger people, particularly those with significant myopia (nearsightedness), past eye trauma, or diabetes. Additionally, those who have undergone a cataract operation are at a higher risk of developing them early.  

How Serious are Spider Webs in Your Vision?  

Generally speaking, spider webs in your vision aren’t serious. They mainly don’t negatively impact vision and are more of an occasional annoyance. In time, you may even learn to ignore them even if they don’t disappear entirely.  

As a result, treatment is rarely recommended for common floaters if they aren’t impacting vision significantly. For those who are having a negative impact on vision, a surgical procedure may be recommended to remove the floaters from the vitreous body. There are risks of undergoing the procedure, so it isn’t usually recommended unless the situation is severe.  

However, if the number of floaters increases suddenly or they are accompanied by a bright flash of light, that could be the onset of a severe condition. Similarly, if the floaters occur along with a sudden vision change that’s similar to a veil or curtain descending over your visual field, that could also be a sign of a more serious condition, such as a retinal detachment. If that is the case, prompt medical treatment could be essential to ensure no vision is lost.  

At ECVA, we take the safety and health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you are concerned about the presence of spider webs in your vision or are experiencing other systems like bright flashed of light or quick chances to your visual field, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.   

Family looking at eyeglasses

Common Eye Problems in Summer

During the summer months, most people focus on enjoying the warmer weather, planning vacations, and other fun events, not the eye problems they may encounter during the season. In reality, summer can have an impact on your eyes, and certain issues can be surprisingly common.  

If you want to find out more about eye problems many people face in the summer and what to do about them, here’s what you need to know.  

Corneal Burns  

When people think of sunburns, they usually focus on the skin. However, harmful UV rays can also lead to corneal burns, a condition with symptoms like blurry vision, dryness, and a gritty feeling in the eye.  

In most cases, the easiest way to protect yourself against corneal burns is to wear sunglasses. Just make sure to pick a pair that offers full-spectrum UV protection.  

Dry Eye  

During the summer, higher temperatures, fans, and air conditioning can all increase the occurrence of dry eye. In addition, if you live in a more arid climate, the lack of humidity can also be a compounding factor, increasing your chances of experiencing dry eye.  

In most cases, dry eye is noticeably uncomfortable. You may experience a gritty or stinging sensation, as well as experience redness, sensitivity to light, and more.  

If you’re experiencing dry eye, make an effort to stay hydrated and consider using lubricating drops. Drinking more water can make a difference, while the drops provide quick relief.  

Tired Eyes  

If your summer is especially busy, you may experience more eye tiredness than usual. For many people, enjoying the season can mean missing out on critical sleep, something that can leave your eyes irritated and fatigued.  

For tired eyes, your best bet is to give your eyes a break by getting enough sleep. Also, avoid using digital devices, as those can make the situation worse, not better.  


While many people assume that eye allergies are only a major issue in the spring, they are still prevalent in the summer. Certain plant pollens, seeds, and mold types are more common later into the warmer months.  

Eye allergies can be incredibly uncomfortable. Some symptoms may include itching, burning, and dryness.  

If you have eye allergies, try to reduce your exposure. Wear sunglasses, wash your face as soon as you come indoors, and even change clothing. Also, many over-the-counter and prescription allergy treatments can provide relief, so they can be worth exploring.  


Eye infections can happen at any time of the year. Plus, you may participate in activities that can increase your risk, such as swimming in a public pool that isn’t properly treated or a nearby lake that may host to a range of bacteria.  

If you want to reduce your odds of infection, wear goggles while swimming. Additionally, rinse off after swimming, ensuring contaminants don’t remain on your skin.  

At ECVA, we take the safety and health of our patients’ eyes seriously. If you have a summer eye health concern or haven’t had an eye exam recently, we are here to help. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.