Why Is My Vision Getting Worse?

Why Is My Vision Getting Worse?

Many people know that vision changes can occur at any time. However, if your vision is declining year after year or suddenly takes a turn for the worst, you may wonder why it’s happening.   Here is a look at common reasons for declining vision, as well as...
Three Common Vision Problems

Three Common Vision Problems

When it comes to vision problems, refractive errors are the most common ones that people experience. With these, the shape of the eye or its ability to focus light changes, causing different kinds of visual acuity issues or visual anomalies.  Since refractive...
Types of Low Vision

Types of Low Vision

There are numerous types of vision acuity changes, each with its own signs and symptoms. Some are simply differences in severity, while others cause losses in different areas. If you are wondering about the types of low vision, here’s a look at the most...