Many people assume that if they can see clearly, their eyes must be healthy. As a result, they skip regular eye exams or only come in when they think there’s a problem.
However, while vision changes could undoubtedly indicate a problem, eye diseases don’t always impact your ability to see clearly. If you are wondering why you should get regular eye exams, even when your vision is fine, here’s what you need to know.
Everyone Needs Eye Exams
Eye exams are about more than vision correction. They allow your eye doctor to look for signs of disease or particular conditions. This increases the odds that any problems are spotted early, reducing the odds that your vision will be harmed.
Eye conditions and vision changes can occur at any age. That’s why everyone needs to keep up with their regular eye exams, even if their vision seems fine.
Eyes Exams Are Thorough But Quick
In most cases, a comprehensive eye exam takes one to two hours. While that sounds like a long time, that’s a drop in the bucket when you think of how many hours are in a year. Generally, you only need to go once every two years as an adult if you don’t have risk factors for a condition or a family history of eye issues. For adults over 60 and children, an annual exam is best since eye health and vision quality can change rapidly during those times.
Plus, it ensures that your eye doctor has enough time to test your vision, examine the health of your retina, check for signs of glaucoma, assess your peripheral vision, and much more. Plus, if you need corrective lenses, part of that time will determine your prescription, fitting contact lenses, and similar activities.
Eye Diseases Can Start Symptomless
During the early stages of many eye diseases, there are no obvious symptoms. For example, the condition may not initially cause vision or physical changes that a person would notice.
However, during an eye exam, those early signs can be detectable. Your eye doctor may notice an issue before it causes any harm, allowing them to start treatment and potentially save your vision.
Your Eye Doctor Is an Important Part of Your Healthcare Team
By going to your regular eye appointments and using the same eye doctor or clinic, your eye doctor becomes an integral part of your healthcare team. They will get to know you, allowing them to monitor potential signs of trouble or changes that are unique to you. As a result, they may spot problems faster, allowing them to intervene at the earliest possible moment.
If you haven’t had a regular eye exam within the last one to two years, schedule an appointment with your eye doctor. That way, they can check the quality of your vision and your eyes’ health, ensuring you are in the best shape possible.
Schedule Your Routine Eye Exam in Buffalo
At ECVA, our staff works tirelessly to care for patients’ eye health and visual acuity, allowing them to identify changes early and intervene as quickly as possible. Schedule an appointment at your closest ECVA clinic today.