Starting on Monday, May 18, 2020, all ECVA locations will be re-opening. Our goal is to provide high-quality eye care services to each and every one of our patients during these unprecedented times.
Your safety is our priority. As a result, we will be taking extra precautions to ensure your health as well as the health of our staff. We are adhering to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations to preserve the well-being of everyone who comes into our clinics. Here is an overview of any changes you may experience when coming in for an eye care appointment.
Socially Distanced Waiting Areas
Each of the waiting rooms in our clinics has been reconfigured. The adjustments support social distancing standards, ensuring patients can remain appropriately separated during their visits.
Protective Shielding
Reducing the spread of germs is essential. Each ECVA clinic now has protective shielding installed in the reception areas, a step that can mitigate the spread of diseases.
Surgical Mask Requirements
When coming in for an office visit, all patients will have to wear surgical masks. This step can help reduce the spread of germs, keeping both patients and staff members safer.
PPE Use by Staff
When appropriate, staff members may choose to wear additional personal protective equipment (PPE). Along with surgical masks, this can include medical gloves, protective face shields, and protective eyewear.
Handwashing Practices
Handwashing can be an effective approach for combating the spread of germs. Our clinics now have new standards in place that promote more frequent handwashing, a step that enhances safety for patients and staff members alike.
While disinfecting surfaces has always been a priority at ECVA, those efforts are currently enhanced. Along with all equipment used on patients, seating areas and work surfaces are be disinfected regularly throughout the day.
Visitor Limits
As a means of keeping patients and staff members protected, we are requesting that friends or family members who arrive at an appointment with a patient remain in their vehicles. If that is not possible, we ask that only those with an appointment head into the exam room to meet with their doctor.
If you or a household member are experiencing symptoms that may be associated with COVID-19, or you have been recently exposed to anyone with symptoms, we ask that you reschedule your office appointment. The potential symptoms include:
- Flu-like symptoms
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Fever
We would also like to reiterate that the situation is fluid, and new precautions may be implemented should the need arise. If you have questions regarding the new processes or about your upcoming appointment, or have an emergency eye care need, please contact the ECVA main office at (716) 631-8888. Our team will be happy to speak with you.
We also thank our patients for their patience during these unique times. We look forward to seeing you again starting on May 18.